Neotic Solutions is a dynamic marketing agency specializing in video ad creation, website development, and lead generation. We help businesses grow by driving engagement, optimizing digital presence, and delivering high-converting campaigns. Our tailored strategies ensure measurable results and long-term success.

Zomato Services

Home Zomato Services

Successfully Growth Partnered With Wide Range Of

Successfully Growth has partnered with a wide range of restaurants, hotels, and cloud kitchens. On average, they’ve witnessed an impressive 400% boost in growth through our strategies!

Worked With 2000+ Restaurants In 365 Days.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, innovation and determination are the keys to standing out. At th forefront of is ynamic industry i Rami Anu, the founder of Neo Solutions, a company ectcated to helping businesses of al types thie In th gal andscape. His foumsy Is one of passion, persistance, nc a relents commitment to empowering others.

Ramik Ahuja: The Visionary Behind

Neotic Solutions' Digital Marketing Success

Inthe fast-paced world of digital marketing, innovation and determination ae the keys to standing out. At th forefront of rs dynamic industry i Rami Anu, the founder of Neo Sout, a company ectcated to helping businesses of al types thie In th gal andscape. His foumsy Is one of passion, persistance, nc a relents commitment to empowering others

A Vision Born from Passion

What ses Rami apart sis unwavering focus on results and client success Under is leadership, Neatic Solulons has developed tlred satages that offer 10), measurable outcomes. From boosting brand awareness 0 goneating Ngh-cualty leads and aiving sales, ami tatgies or designed o dover {angie growth. is hands-on spprosch and deep understanding of lent needs ave earned the company a reputation fo excellence. By assembling a talented team of edorsmarketrs, and conent creators, Rami ensures tht aach campaign 5 executed wih precision and creativity, whether fo os. Service provider or 3 nationwide product based brand. Inthe past year alone, Neat Soution has Worked with over 5,000 restaurants and coud Kchens, each seeing an average 100% Growth i hei busines. This rapid success nth food and ospialty Industry highlghts Ram's strategic expertise and. commitment to measurable results His vision s clear: prov himself i one industry, then expand fo others. Having ready sccompished remarkable resus in his Space, Rami plans to launch his next sarvica by January 2025, a move aiicipatod to bring further innovation and growth.

A Vision Born from Passion

Ramik Ahuja's story begins with deep fascination for the power of digital marketing to transform businesses. With keen eye for recognizing market gaps and opportune, he saw that many services- based and product-based businesses ware struggling to navigate he online work effectively Instead of standing by, he too action. I founding Neat Solon at the age of Just 20, h created a patron tat bridges the gap between businesses and the potent customers through innovative dial strategies. Wanted 0 bulk 3 service that hot only helps businesses survive but have nth digital age Ram relets. His dedication to providing cutting-edge marketing solutions as shaped Neotic Solutions into a opt data

Overcoming Challenges with Determination

Like any entrepreneur, Ramix faced his share of challenges. The competiive nature of the digital marketing rid demanded reifance and adaptaily. Yt, each obstaci only fused his determination to succeed Every challenge san opportunty 1 ear and Improve” he sas. This mindset has helped. Neatic Solutions ovolve 3nd stay ahead nan oer-changing Indust.

Neotic Solutions Unique Suite of Distribution and Tech Partnerships

Leading the way in Online Discovery Management

High Conversion and Impression Rates through Theme-Based Menu Development

How Can Neotic Solutions Help?

Add-ons to Cross-Sell and Increase Order Value

How Can Neotic Solutions Help?

How Neotic Solutions Helps Grow Your Zomato Page Organically

How Can Neotic Solutions Help?

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We look forward to making your business easy to find online.

See you soon!